Suståne 18-1-8+Fe
Long-lasting fertiliser with a high nitrogen content for golf course fairways, roughs, lawns and sports fields.
The controlled release part of the material is made from industry-leading polymerised sulphur-coated urea. Suståne 18-1-8+Fe's nutrient release rates are based on soil or substrate temperature and microbial activity and prevent nutrient dumping.
Recommended use
Suståne 18-1-8+Fe is a two-part mixture that releases nitrogen in four directions. Recommended for use on all grass surfaces of outdoor pitches, tees, collars, fairways and sports fields. CRF technology, combined with Suståne's natural organic compost base, provides controlled-release nutrition for 12 to 16 weeks, while promoting long-term benefits for soil and plant health.
Professional grade
Suståne products are derived from biologically stable humus-rich compost and contain water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and slow-release nitrogen (SRN), beneficial microbiology and all 17 essential elements for plant photosynthesis. Suståne products increase the soil's cation exchange capacity (CEC) by providing humates and stable organic matter. Suståne's blended organic and natural fertilisers provide all soil types with additional buffering capacity, allowing for more consistent and productive growth.
- It combines 4 different forms of nitrogen: 3 slow-release types including Suståne Organic N, PCSCU, methylene urea and 1 fast-release nitrogen form of ammonium sulphate.
- 15.3% (85% of total N) is slow-release nitrogen
- 18-1-8+Fe is extremely safe and won't burn or discolour lawns
- The uniform particle size allows for homogeneous application
- Long-lasting Suståne 18-1-8+Fe provides stable, slow growth with excellent colour for up to four months
Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2,8 mm - 1,4 mm)
Total Nitrogen (N). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18%
2.2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
2.6% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
11.0% Urea Nitrogen*
2.2% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen -
Available phosphate (P2O5). . . . . . . . . . 1%
Soluble Potash (K2O). . . . . . . . . . . . . .8%
Calcium (Ca). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%
Sulfur (S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%
Iron (Fe). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1%
Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, ammonium sulfate, iron sulfate, methylene urea, sulfate of potash and polymer coated sulfur coated urea.
- 10.5% slow release urea nitrogen from polymer coated sulfur coated urea.
- 4.8% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and methylene urea.
Cool Season Grasses
Golf course tees fairways collars, sportsfields, and lawncare
Standard maintenance rates, Spring, Summer, Fall:
5.5 lb. to 10 lb.per 1000 ft2 (2.5 kg to 4.5 kg per 100 m2) depending on N requirement
Warm Season Grasses
Golf course fairways, roughs, sportsfields, parks, and lawncare
Standard maintenance rates:
2.75 lb. to 5.5 lb. per 1000 ft2 for .5 lb.-1 lb. N/1000 ft2 (1.4 kg to 2.8 kg per 100 m2) per application at frequency determined by clipping yields.