Suståne 5-2-10 + Fe
Granulated professional turf grass and landscape fertilizer
Suståne 5-2-10+Fe combines Suståne organic compost base with iron sulfate organically chelated during the active aerobic composting phase providing for slow release iron for enhance chlorophyll production and turf color without excessive top growth. This is the ideal 1:2 N to K organic based fertilizer for summer and early autumn feeding.
Additional potassium is supplied for sandy soils and USGA type putting greens where potash is often lost through leaching.
Recommended use
Suståne 5-2-10+Fe is recommended for for building carbohydrate reserves in the root system and amending low potash soils during periods of stress. Use all year round for greens and tees as a standalone application or alongside any existing nutritional program to maintain adequate potassium levels throughout the growing season.
Professional grade
Suståne products are derived from biologically stable humus-rich compost and contain both water soluble nitrogen (WSN) and slow release nitrogen (SRN), beneficial microbiology, and all 17 elements essential for plant photosynthesis. With a near-neutral pH, a low salt index and low ammonium nitrogen percentage, Suståne will not cause seedling stress or plant fertilizer “burn”. Suståne products increase soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) by supplying humates and stable organic matter. Suståne’s organic and blended natural fertilizers provide all soil types with additional buffering capacity, allowing for more consistent and productive growth.
- 70% SRN
- Natural potash for potassium deficient turf swards
- Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of soil
- Strengthens plants’ tolerance of hot, dry conditions
- Promotes greater root development
- Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
- Increases soil porosity and improves soil quality
- Provides quick green up followed by six to eight weeks of even color and growth.
- Cool Season Grasses - Golf course greens, tees and fairways, sports fields, parks, and lawncare
Fine grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)
Medium grade, 100 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
Total Nitrogen (N) 5%
1.1% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
3.5% Water Soluble Nitrogen
0.2% Urea Nitrogen
0.2% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen -
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 10%
Calcium (Ca) 3%
Sulfur (S) 6%
Iron (Fe) 2%
Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, methylene urea, sulfate of potash and iron sulfate.
*3.5% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and methylene urea.
Turf Coverage
50 lb. covers 5,000 ft2 @ 1 lb N per 1,000 ft2. (44 lb. N per acre)
22.67 kg covers 465 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)
20 lb. per 1000 ft2 = 100 g per 100 m2
Cool Season Grasses
Golf course greens, tees and fairways, sports fields, parks, and lawncare
Standard application rates
5.5 lb. to 11 lb. per 1000 ft2 (2.5 kg to 5 kg per 100 m2) as per N requirement.
Warm Season Grasses
Golf course greens, tees and fairways, sports fields, parks, and lawncare
5-10 lb. per 1000 ft2 or 0.25 - 0.5 lb. N/1000 ft2 (2.5-5 kg per 100 m2) per application at frequency determined by clipping yields.
Greens and Tees - On Bermuda Grass, 10 lbs. per 1000 ft2 per application every 30-45 days or as dictated by clipping weight.