Watchdog ET Weather Station - Model 3550
Measure Evapotranspiration (ET), Temperature, Relative Humidity, Rainfall, Wind Speed/Direction, Solar Radiation
Use real-time evapotranspiration (ET) data to effectively irrigate for optimum yield and quality
Included measurements:
- Temperature
- Relative Humidity
- Rainfall
- Wind Speed/Direction
- Solar Radiation
- FIVE Available Sensor Ports
For more information on product functionality, environmental impact, and additional insights, please refer to the details provided.
More sensors to add even more measurements important to you:
- Built in communication, choose the option that fits your needs
- View Data 24/7 on the WatchDog mobile app
- Integrated solar power system
- Internal data logger that holds 10 months of data at a 15-minute recording interval
- Five available ports to add more sensors of your choice
- Quick Start installation to get your station up and running
- Send data to the SpecConnect Cloud
- View current conditions or historical data reports from any location
- Receive alerts via automated call, text or email immediately when the temperature reading crosses your selected threshold
Technical details