EM・1 is the original, authentic, Effective Microorganisms solution formulated by Dr. Higa
EM・1 is the fundamental product of the EM brand. It comes in liquid form and contains different groups of microorganisms, including lactic acid bacteria, yeast and phototrophic bacteria. Because of the co-existence of these microorganisms, EM・1 and the metabolites it contains are able to activate native microorganisms in various environments and conditions and in many different fields such as agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental purification and health care.
EM・1 was developed in the 1980s, long before microbiome science had caught the world’s attention, and its effectiveness has been repeatedly demonstrated across the globe ever since. Currently, EM・1 is manufactured in more than 50 countries under the direct supervision of EMRO.
The microorganisms in EM・1 are stable in order to ensure quality control and enable long term storage. However, feeding them activates them and causes them to multiply, making “EM・1 extended” or “Activated EM・1”.
1L - 5L - 20L
- The diversity of microorganisms contained in EM and the metabolites they produce will increase the number and diversity of microorganisms in the soil.
- When microorganisms are activated, protozoans and larger organisms such as worms will increase in number and a healthier ecosystem will result.
- Soil with diversified microflora will inhibit the growth of specific disease-causing bacteria, which help prevent cultivation failure.
- Compost fermented by EM is rich in amino acids and polysaccharides compared with compost produced by the usual methods.
- EM prevents the production of ammonia during protein decomposition, metabolizing proteins in such a way that amino acids are produced instead.
- Low-molecular polysaccharides will be produced and these will be absorbed by microorganisms and plants.
- Liquid mixture of beneficial microorganisms with probiotic and regenerative effect, developed by Professor Teruo Higa from Japan and an original product of EM technology used worldwide.
- It consists of lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria, fungi, yeasts and cane molasses.
Technical details
Activated EM・1
EM・1 can be extended, once only, in order to maintain the balance of microbes, and the extended solution is called “Activated EM・1”. With molasses as feed, the microorganisms in EM・1 work actively and their number increases. It can be expanded by approximately 20 times relative to volume, and be used generously for many different purposes.
However, the recipes may vary in each region depending on available materials and the conditions under which fermentation must take place, such as climate. For further information, contact your local distributor.
Application in turfgrass: 1L weekly with at least 100l of water from march to october.
Recommended to apply it with an equal amount of blackstrap molasses, liquid kelp or liquid fish.