Endurant Mulch Colorant (Brown)

Endurant Mulch Colorant (Brown)

An economical and sustainable solution for revitalising mulch.

Endurant Mulch Colorant (Brown) is an eco-friendly liquid pigment, designed to revitalise the appearance of landscaped areas, particularly faded mulch, providing an efficient and long-lasting solution. Endurant Mulch Colorant is versatile and visually appealing, especially effective on materials like shredded bark and wood chips, giving a natural look.


For more information on product functionality, environmental impact, and additional insights, please refer to the details provided.


Comprehensive Safety Data Sheet and Safety Procedures for using this product


32 oz - 946 mL



  • 100% natural and environmentally friendly product.
  • Easy to apply, eliminating the need to spread new mulch.
  • Provides a long-lasting, professional colour.
  • Reduces additional costs associated with buying coloured mulch.
  • Covers up to 370 m² per gallon, depending on material density and desired shade.


  • Mix 8 ounces (236 mL) of Endurant Mulch Colorant per gallon (3.78 L) of water. Shake well before use and apply with standard sprayers, ensuring even coverage for the best results.
  • Shake thoroughly before use.


Turf Pigments – A Versatile Solution for Professionals

Turf pigments are widely used by lawn care professionals, golf course superintendents, sports field managers to maintain vibrant and consistent turf color.
This product family includes everything from turfgrass pigments to specialized colorants other connected products.
With a variety of shades available, turf pigments can achieve the desired aesthetic in any setting, with natural appearance and long-lasting color.
As a cost-effective alternative to overseeding dormant warm-season grasses, turf pigments reduce the need for excess water, chemicals, and transition-related issues. This management strategy is becoming increasingly popular due to its agronomic and financial benefits.

5 Products Pigments