Bar Fescue Plus

Bar Fescue Plus

Bar Fescue Plus is a grass seed mix that offers the traditional benefits of Bar Fescue but with greater drought tolerance and reduced maintenance requirements.

This mix consists of 30% Festuca trachyphylla (hard fescue), 30% Festuca rubra litoralis (slender creeping red fescue), and 40% Festuca rubra commutata (chewings fescue). The introduction of Festuca trachyphylla sets Bar Fescue Plus apart from the standard Bar Fescue by significantly enhancing drought resistance and reducing irrigation and fertilization needs without compromising turf density or aesthetics.





  • Low Mowing Tolerance: Maintains turf integrity even with reduced mowing heights starting from 5 mm.
  • Superior Drought Resistance: Festuca trachyphylla provides excellent tolerance to dry conditions while maintaining turf quality.
  • Enhanced Sustainability: Requires less irrigation and fertilization, reducing maintenance costs and resource use.
  • Year-Round Green Appearance: Delivers a dense and aesthetic turf cover regardless of the season.
  • Reduced Mowing Frequency: Moderate growth reduces the need for frequent mowing.
  • High Disease Resistance: Less susceptible to common turf diseases, ensuring healthier and longer-lasting lawns.


  • Seeding Rate: 25 to 30 g/m².
  • Seeding Depth: 0.5 to 1.0 cm.


Careful selection of the best seeds for establishment, growth and resistance to abiotic stress and pathogens

At Soilneo, we offer a technically and scientifically advanced selection of lawn seeds, developed to maximise agronomic performance and sustainability.
Our seeds are carefully selected for their high resistance to common pathogens, optimising the use of water and ensuring rapid establishment and uniform growth.
Adapted to different climatic conditions, particularly the Mediterranean climate, they ensure a dense and healthy cover, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
This range is ideal for golf courses, sports areas and ornamental landscaping, providing superior aesthetics and consistent performance.

15 Products Seeds