Bar Rough

Bar Rough

Bar Rough is a seed mix specifically designed for rough areas on golf courses, providing sustainable coverage and adaptability to partial shade conditions.

The mix consists of 20% Festuca rubra commutata (chewings fescue), 30% Festuca rubra rubra (slender creeping red fescue), 20% Festuca trachyphylla (hard fescue), and 30% Festuca ovina (sheep fescue). These species were selected for their ability to create a dense, sustainable turf even in shaded areas with limited maintenance requirements.




  • Shade Tolerance: Performs excellently in shaded areas, making it ideal for roughs with limited direct sunlight.
  • Low Maintenance: Slow growth reduces mowing frequency and care requirements.
  • Sustainability: Low water and fertilizer demands contribute to efficient resource management.
  • Natural Aesthetic: Provides a balanced and harmonious appearance for rough areas.


  • Seeding Rate: 20 to 25 g/m².
  • Seeding Depth: 0.5 to 1.0 cm.


Careful selection of the best seeds for establishment, growth and resistance to abiotic stress and pathogens

At Soilneo, we offer a technically and scientifically advanced selection of lawn seeds, developed to maximise agronomic performance and sustainability.
Our seeds are carefully selected for their high resistance to common pathogens, optimising the use of water and ensuring rapid establishment and uniform growth.
Adapted to different climatic conditions, particularly the Mediterranean climate, they ensure a dense and healthy cover, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
This range is ideal for golf courses, sports areas and ornamental landscaping, providing superior aesthetics and consistent performance.

15 Products Seeds