RPR Golf Dense

RPR Golf Dense

RPR® Golf Dense is a grass seed mixture designed for golf courses with heavy traffic, combining wear resistance and rapid recovery.

The mixture includes:

  • 25% Lolium perenne with RPR® (Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass) technology;
  • 25% conventional Lolium perenne;
  • 25% Festuca rubra commutata;
  • 25% Festuca rubra litoralis.

This combination ensures optimal density, fast regeneration, and wear tolerance.





  • High Traffic Resistance.
  • Fast Recovery: RPR® technology enables efficient regeneration after damage.
  • Dense Coverage: Provides a uniform and visually appealing turf.
  • Disease Resistance: Less prone to common diseases, reducing treatment costs.


  • Seeding Rate: 20 to 25 g/m².
  • Seeding Depth: 0.5 to 1.0 cm.


Careful selection of the best seeds for establishment, growth and resistance to abiotic stress and pathogens

At Soilneo, we offer a technically and scientifically advanced selection of lawn seeds, developed to maximise agronomic performance and sustainability.
Our seeds are carefully selected for their high resistance to common pathogens, optimising the use of water and ensuring rapid establishment and uniform growth.
Adapted to different climatic conditions, particularly the Mediterranean climate, they ensure a dense and healthy cover, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
This range is ideal for golf courses, sports areas and ornamental landscaping, providing superior aesthetics and consistent performance.

15 Products Seeds